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The Scottish Cardiovascular Forum

The Scottish Cardiovascular Forum (SCF) was launched in October 1997, with the aim of fostering integration, encouraging collaboration and assisting in the dissemination of information among basic science and clinical cardiovascular researchers in Scotland. In recent years, membership has expanded to include colleagues from Northern Ireland, Northern England and Ireland. We welcome participation from across the UK and Ireland.

The meetings of the SCF are held once a year at the end of January or early February and feature two "themed" keynote lectures, usually delivered by speakers local to the host Institution, short oral communications and a poster session. The format of the meetings is informal and tends to be focused on the presentation of novel material from research groups across the UK and Ireland.

If you would like to become a member please fill in the online registration form.


SCF 2024

Date: Saturday 3rd February 2024

Venue: School of Medicine, University of St Andrews

Co-hosted by the University of St Andrews and the University of Dundee

Registration and abstract submission is now open.  Abstract submission will close 8th January 2024.


Abstract submission: Please send abstract submissions to Please indicate if you would like your abstract to be considered for an oral communication, poster presentation or the Roger M Wadsworth award. Abstracts should be no more than 300 words.